Are you a healthcare professional looking to work in Qatar?
Then you must become certified for the prometric test. This Prometric exam is conducted by a US-based testing agency. This assessment is the best way to perceive whether the registered healthcare professionals are proficient in serving the people of Qatar country effectively. Qatar Prometric Coaching Centre in New Delhi offers regular and online Prometric classes in New Delhi for healthcare graduates like Pharmacists, Nurses, Dentists, Physiotherapists, Doctors, Lab technicians, and other allied professionals. Our well-qualified tutors help the scholar acquire essential skills to exceed the examination with a good score. In our prometric training in New Delhi, we provide advanced model tests, to face the test with alleviation and confidence. We offer in-person sessions in our prometric training, to ensure individual attention for each student.
Who We Are??
Resolveitech Corp Academy For medical professionals was started in 2010 with reputed experienced trainers, who offer extensive knowledge about the Qatar Prometric examination. Due to their commitment and understanding in overseas prometric prerequisite examinations as well as 100% results in Qatar examinations, Resolveitech Corp in New Delhi become one of the most required and trusted overseas licensing training institutes for healthcare graduates in India. As most of the overseas countries have made mandatory licensing theory tests for Indian medical graduates to practice in their respective countries, this has made registered healthcare professionals struggle and a long impediment to passing the exam and attaining their dream. Resolveitech Corp academy provides extensive, entire training and assistance for overseas Qatar licensing examinations including dataflow and exam registration, documentation attestations, and placement assistance in Qatar for redefine aspirants.
Why Resolveitech Corp??
- 100% success rate in overseas healthcare examinations
- Subjects are roofed from basics to advanced syllabus
- Interactive learning sessions
- In-depth and individual concentration for each aspirant
- Easy and understandable teaching sessions
- Regular online mock tests and revision of subjects
- Create an examination-oriented environment
- Understanding each scholar’s doubts and rectifying their shortcoming.
- Specific learning materials for different examination
- Strong student-teacher relationship
- Expertise in training, exam registration, and placement assistance