For all healthcare professionals who want to run a medical practice in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain taking the eligibility examination is a priority requirement. Each aspirant should prove your proficiency by passing corresponding qualifying examinations and it varies concerning the countries that are applying for. To acquire healthcare professional licensure in Oman, you should clear the Oman Medical Specialty Board (OMSB), The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) in Saudi Arabia, Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP) in Qatar.
Resolveitech Corp Academy offers the best online coaching for medical professionals in Coimbatore providing the best training classes for those who wish to pursue a medical career in Gulf countries. We offer the best training for online prometric courses for healthcare professionals like doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses, and all other allied medical graduates to help you crack the exams easily.
Resolveitech Corp Academy is the top Prometric coaching center in Coimbatore for those seeking a career.
Our prometric coaching aids students in developing professionally. The Prometric Coaching Center in Coimbatore is synonymous with our Academy, the prometric coaching institution. Nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, and physiotherapists must pass PROMETRIC testing to be qualified to work at prominent hospitals and medical facilities in the Sultanate of Qatar, the Emirates of Dubai, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. More than 400 businesses worldwide rely on Prometric as a reliable test development and delivery partner, whether it’s for starting a new job, honing existing abilities, boosting qualifications for a promotion, or enrolling in classes. Prometric delivers an average of 10 million exams yearly to people who want to improve their lives whether it’s to start a new career, further extend the skills to improve on an existing job, add to one’s prerequisite for promotion, take education entrance exams, or for proficient development. A fair testing environment is ensured for all since Prometric acts as an industry concierge, making sure that people legally gain the certifications they want. As a result, Prometric and the Oman license exam have a long-term relationship. The Oman license exam is a new evaluation examination for individuals seeking authorization to work as health professionals in Oman.