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Being one of the richest Emirate in UAE, Abu Dhabi is one of the most sought after destination for healthcare professionals. Healthcare Professions have to go through one of the toughest tests in order to be eligible for work in Abu Dhabi. The Health Authority – Abu Dhabi (HAAD) is the regulative body of the Healthcare Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and ensures excellence in Healthcare for the community by monitoring the health status of the population. On clearing the examination conducted by HAAD, the Healthcare professional is free to work in both Abu Dhabi and in Al-Ain.

HAAD Licensing for Doctors

We support you to entire procedure for HAAD exam registration after completion of data flow . Candidate should have Two yrs of experience after MBBS Degree and Three yrs Experience after post graduation ( MS, MD & DNB IN Ophthalmologist, anesthesia, Orthopedic surgeon, Respiratory medicine, gynecologist, Dermatology, Pediatric, Cardiology, Neurology Obstetric, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Intensive care medicine and Plastic Surgery etc).

HAAD license will authorizes you to afford professional healthcare practice in Abu Dhabi. HAAD Licensing is very important to delivery high quality of healthcare services. So to begin with the process there is a need to know about HAAD licensing requirements such as HAAD exam i.e. HAAD license exam for different healthcare professionals such as for doctors, pharmacist, dentist, nurse, physiotherapist etc. After satisfying of all requirements healthcare professionals with different specialties can able to get license to work in Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

What do we do?

HAAD Exam Registration

On your behalf, we do the process of online registration and document compliance for HAAD/ DHA/ MOH / Qatar Prometric / Oman Prometric / Saudi Prometric Professional License.


Dataflow is a primary source verification of an Applicants certificates and details provided by candidates at the time of application for a job with an Employer. To verify the precision of applicants certificates and legal documents, DataFlow checks with the issuing source of the document irrespective of the language, country or region.

Book Materials & Preparation

  • We provide the best HAAD Exam coaching class providing all the facilities for you to give you enough training to make you fully confident before appearing for the HAAD Exam.
  • We Will Provide HAAD Book Materials for all Medical Professionals to clear licensing examinations. Our Teaching staffs updates the reference books as per the syllabus set out by the health authority. We make available of reference books in Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Lab Technology, Physiotherapy, for General Practitioners, for Specialist Doctors, books in dentistry, specialist dentistry and for other medical professionals.
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